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Useful lists (still auto-translated only)
Concise list - Holy names


Al'Fäyi'lakolë - names of the Trinity of Being


Al'Maymë - one of the names of Beech

Ay Aoyalan - one of the names of Beings

Makulaykay - one of the names of Being

Sülimë - one of the names of Beech

Tërifa'sürindë - one of the names of Becna

Tüyilndë - one of the names of Beech


Wëmindi'alha'bystorëa'lakolë - names of Beech - Eternal Depths of the World

Wëmindi'yowulnoa'lakolë - the names of the Existence of the Eternal Heavens of the world


Alkalondë - one of the names of the Eternal Heavens of the world

Estagonë ​​- one of the names of the Eternal Heavens of the world

Liyakonë - one of the names of the Eternal Heavens of the world

Silowindonë - one of the names of the Eternal Heavens of the world

Zalandonë - one of the names of the Eternal Heavens of the world


Andromaston - one of the names of the Eternal Depths of the World

Leprucon - one of the names of the Eternal Depths of the World

Olominton - one of the names of the Eternal Depths of the World

Rosemary - one of the names of the Eternal Depths of the World

Sofiston - one of the names of the Eternal Depths of the World


Al'Lünami'lakolë - Real names Jsoucna

Landi - The first name of the Trinity of Being

Galamti - The second name of the Trinity of Being

Nazardi - The third name of the Trinity of Being

Dämurnïwo - The holy name of Becna

Kalkolinë - The golden name of being



Concise list - Ivarinden


Altiyanë - one of the Creators of Naulu, the element of birth, the creator of trees

Atalen - one of the Creators of Naulu, the element of air, the creator of elves

Balbro - one of the Creators of Naulu, the element of stone, the creator of the mountains

Eliyannë - one of the Creators of Naulu, an element of movement, helped create people

Eriyudol - one of the Creators of Naulu, the element of water, the creator of the seas and fish

Fïrdi - one of the Creators of Naulu, the element of evil, the creator of orcs

Lamindo - one of the Creators of Naulu, an element of goodness, helped create the Heavenly

Mnëndi - one of the Creators of Naulu, the element of mind, the creator of the Praelementars

Rünor - one of the Creators of Naulu, an element of destiny, helped create dragons

Üminden - one of the Creators of Naulu, an element of color, the creator of the Beasts

Ürundirë - one of the Creators of Naulu, the element of fire, the creator of the sun, day and night

Wuka - one of the Creators of Naulu, an element of extinction, helped create the dwarves


Altiyanë - called Perunir, also Al'Rïnostrindino or Edelniyan

Atalen - called Nordülon, also Yowulnatïr

Balbro - called Seltan, also Ertalten or Urfan

Eliyannë - called Sernozen, also Kilistäwu or Ünomlan

Eriyudol - called Kintunnë, also Olwamiyan

Fïrdi - called Ssërendë, also Hastafog or Gagandoyl

Lamindo - called Ewiyindë, also Kalpos or Yamilkandi

Mnëndi - called Ymënen, also Anamiyor or Oyorkandi'walëon

Rünor - called Zelinor, also Ezeliyannë

Üminden - called Skagarak, also Waldatrennë

Ürundirë - called Aldutren, also Yowannë Likostrindë

Wuka - called Uto, also Olwanë



Clear list - Elements of Naulu


Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë - Lepostiriyon - way back and decomposition

Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë - Lepostiriyon - pushing change and moving forward

Moralë Al'Hondë - Lepostiriyon - stone and metal

Elinwayë Al'Qintë - Lepostiriyon - love and beauty

Hipostilë Al'Wäsë - Lepostiriyon - mind and office

Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë - Lepostiriyon - destiny and inevitably

Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë - Lepostiriyon - light and fire

Fäyikrunë Al'Erasatuyinë - Lepostiriyon - property and nature

Saylfanë Al'Loynë - Lepostiriyon - water and ice

Klopindë Al'Opaylkoltë - Lepostiriyon - air and heaven

Qastalë Al'Mistimalë - Lepostiriyon - greenery and healing power

Restarë Al'Gugmopë - Lepostiriyon - evil and destruction


Fïlantayn'mulnë - The first of the foundations of the world - The evil comes first and the good after

Hoelantan'mulnë - The second of the foundations of the world - One thing in the world cannot affect everything equally

Huniyan'awanta'lenëwan - The third of the foundations of the world - the Eternal Robot

Panta'füsnaton - The fourth of the foundations of the world - Failure to achieve image, eternal imperfection

Oywalan'tumayn'mulnë - Fifth from the foundations of the world - Eternal coming and going, the end of everything


Al'Enoyikë - The Blessed Soul

Ayamastiräni - The Soul of the Lost

Huyëni - The Desolate Soul

Enomäykë - Deserved Soul

Grantoyë - The Damned Soul



Concise list - Huna Lepostiriyon


Adesim Rantüm Far-Seen - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Agarmom Ssën Šplhnebesá - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Andero'tay Gouhïm Glitter - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Angla'winti Lös Nesmírmodrá - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, voda a led

Asmayn Olwantir Greenfinch - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Atat Kimniss'gäl Rozrazilka - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Aulkay Sün Všezpěvá - Hun from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Banworïh Tënus Tepírírná - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Barwacet Kïl Nesmíniměla - Hun from Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Biyen Dorgrïs Šelmospárná - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Blangüy Hamir Wholemealness - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, Evil and Doom

Braki'deyo Kment Rozhodbouře - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, cesta zpět a rozklad

Burmo Maril Děšťomlatá - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Dinraden Rod Backstairs - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Drenälim Nur Zeměplazá - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Emoworen Gusk Protiledá - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, voda a led

Ëstam'ritin Sster Polyhedral - Hun from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Esyodu Lönay Větroplachá - Huna z Klopindë Al'Opaylkoltë, air and heaven

Ewlan'rürwah News - Hunting from Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Eynu'mantü För Hlubinznalá - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Fayespin Kimrös Summer - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Fïhanwer Dömna Chvostobijná - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Fyaten'lay Wës Mědisvitná - Huna z Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Gagmüldo Uzi'yakim Světarobota - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Galdsüri Düy Envy - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, Evil and Doom

Hardos Köykol Smotkobědná - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Hariyan Tosä Conscious - Huna from Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Helgölurik Sür Znovuhora - Hun from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Hemdïgun Dulwar Zlopřejná - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Hesenlïn Wam Dobromyslá - Hun from Elinway to Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Hmül'kil Yamdu Dějsezlá - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Huntrusk Pän Změtislava - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Ige'womundar Wüs Trpzkáza - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Imoro'äwi Rey Marmot - Hun from Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Imurna Limpor Smolomlata - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, destiny and inevitably

Kasmu Dirwan Dejmírupijná - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Keki'stirmor Nahuy Jedupaní - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Keley Ssüra Fateful - Hunting from Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Kelgo'rondi Würon Puchvějná - Hunting from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, Evil and Doom

Keysswër Bura Dírodělná - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Kinan Eldan'lusk Self-remarked - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Kissmül Wawin Bahnožela - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, cesta zpět a rozklad

Clan Taurïwar Smrštimírná - Huna z Klopindë Al'Opaylkoltë, air and heaven

Kristuwär Hör Démantozpytná - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Külo'namir Tug Nemějráda - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Kyno'püldar Pos Lehkodechá - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Lamdak Dünwaham Colorfamous - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Limpïri Anda'tentin Plodumíza - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Liyedi Loye'tiya Kmenomíra - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Liye'qesti Rindol Znalosudná - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, destiny and inevitably

Loa'ted Stemlan Šeroplášťná - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, fate and inevitably

Lortayömi Sart Thunderstorm - Huna z Klopindë Al'Opaylkoltë, air and heaven

Loto'nin Gar Bahnotužná - Hun from Zelfanë Al'Loynë, water and ice

Lua Maldilan Zvěřiprahná - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Lumi'lümin Woyn Chutnosoustá - Huna z Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Luwer'aklopil Häk Štěstipramenná - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, voda a led

Mastun'gan Hät Hot-air - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Matarlön Guld Časokroká - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, osud a Inevelno

Mayni'wytär Tanön Noble - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Meldan'dre Wart Lightning - Hun from Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Melinran Sëwoldi Paprskodajná - Huna z Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Mïnhula War Sacrificial Science - Hun from Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, Fate and Inevitably

Mirtitäs Pelopel Mighty Fire - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Mitahali Ssalmuday Linguistic - Hunting from Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Morwor Tagür Vidohledná - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, destiny and inevitably

Nilolün'torwin Přemysl - Hun from Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Nisauri'än Ten Krokozmamná - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, osud a Inevelno

Nomla'pär Pentön Sober - Morna of Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Nordigar Ssüs Sedmilhář - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Nosal'danïs Kan Breakwater - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, voda a led

Nürssiwasta Füri Mečezmarná - Hunting from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, Evil and Doom

Olgar'hildi Sstür Protozoan - Hun from Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Olimpi Nulwar Foliage - Hunts from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Olma'lilkü Ayküs Zlatovlasá - Huna z Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Olök'atur Mäss Zemeklidná - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Olwo Pintiküs Teal - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Ömgali Bel Prophetic - Hun from Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, Fate and Inevitably

Oplöwer Taykotin Myslohlubná - Huna z Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Otomalpo Windir Deep - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Oypak'öylo Ron Silver-gold - Huna z Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Pelyn'wümim Törir Ocelopaže - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Pesskodun Ssakal Těžkobahna - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, voda a led

Petrimän Gür Skalomluvná - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Pewle'nïmi Ortar Earthquake - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Planïli Wun Pyjozmámná - Huna from Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Poywar Yakl Mud-seeded - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Prapür Sagnir Barvoměnná - Huna z Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Pulwan Tüntilen Blue Stone - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Qatungon Lar Lépějmírá - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, destiny and inevitably

Qaybür Arhor Stoloučná - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Ragoryla Hym Podstatmilná - Huna z Fäyikrunë Al'Erasatuyinë, quality and character

Recïrkar Der Šedomlatná - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Resputi'rëkos Tir Srdcebodná - Huns from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Robaz'wintü Kay Foam Beauty - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, voda a led

Rostowän'tügor Hleďdálena - Hun from Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Samus'aker Tös Exhaust dust - Hun from Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Say'duntan Hurn Dark Dark - Hun from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Senti Hanwïl Old Root - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Seste'ssmük Nold Radějzmara - Hun from Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Sinta'algopël Stozraká - Huna z Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Siyondi Kauras Hidden - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Slängi'tan Kïn The Nine - Hun from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Smölwar Ponwol Non-Illuminated - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Snelïn Metan Osudobijná - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, osud a Inevelno

Ssapomlot Harbar Fertile - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Ssaugrihan Sül Mnozmará - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Ssëh'fimli Pol Štěstěnomíra - Hun from Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, destiny and inevitably

Ssëmi'restron Rudwa Bolestipaní - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Ssimuwäs Pun Inland - Huna z Fäyikrunë Al'Erasatuyinë, quality and character

Ssïr'wotür Zer Bouřezmámná - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Ssiwoga'tiyë Rot Slepozmarná - Huna z Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Ssizi'baner Lïr Songbook - Huna z Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Ssnegi'fïn Gad Snowfall - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, water and ice

Ssomor Smürkin Surrounding - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Ssosa'lïn Bur Prvokroká - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, osud a Inevelno

Swazya Kïkeras Loučemocná - Hun from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Tantalum Gëlmeray Light-tolerant - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Telmu'santor Hanta'molpar Mladoskvostná - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Tel'wïrwa Kul Domahřejná - Huna z Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Temano'ssïno Polos Horovědná - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Templa Würumarki Vanozmarná - Huna z Klopindë Al'Opaylkoltë, air and heaven

Tempri'wün Gam Substitutable - Huna z Fäyikrunë Al'Erasatuyinë, quality and character

Tera'ssïye Rald Chernobyl - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, Evil and Doom

Tërmi Mindo'wïn Concave - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Teymulri Punki Heaven - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Tilmi'pul Poli Barevpaní - Huna z Fäyikrunë Al'Erasatuyinë, characteristic and nature

Tiyolad Tiyadïr Rainforest - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Tüskar'mnë Childbirth Vladovládná - Huna z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë, destiny and inevitably

Ugmo'indürda Wug Zezlodajna - Huna z Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Umla'wundi Lompar Mírovodá - Huna ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë, voda a led

Umlo Hartagun Fresh - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Undan'li's Mürn Deep government - Hun from Saylfanë Al'Loynë, water and ice

Undö Burtan Peklomyslá - Hun from Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Uplanwïr Tas Decision-Making - Hun from Hipostilë Al'Wäsë, mind and office

Urëlossin Ayhen Nesmírkrása - Hun from Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Urgo Wun'rituy Painful - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Uskar'ando Wös Soběmysl - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, evil and destruction

Üskat Radaltë Mírožárná - Huna z Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, light and fire

Wantül Ran Lovupaní - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Werssü'linta Wür Srazovousá - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Wetüma'gun Rah Sopkolamná - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Wolna'burmi Durim L láskyžehnala - Huna z Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Wükla Dünmal Sveřepspárná - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Wulwo Älwipo Young-flowered - Hunting from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Wurpi Nümalurk Six Senses - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Yamantär Olömir Lépesvětá - Huna z Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Yandüri Anäwun Všehovichrná - Huna z Klopindë Al'Opaylkoltë, air and heaven

Yan'wëu Wälan Rozkošmíra - Huna z Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty

Yerma'sondul Süstal Býkosedá - Huna z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë, way back and decomposition

Yesidom Dafal Windbreak - Hunting from Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë, pushing change and moving forward

Yulzu'rowir Höran Změtivláda - Hun from Algar Gopmopë, evil and destruction

Zay'lodüm Win Womb - Hun from Qastalë Al'Mistimalë, greenery and healing power

Zedkïmo Takin Maltese - Hunting from Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë, Light and Fire

Zentuzanto Wïrgos Harmful - Hun from Restarë Al'Gugmopë, Evil and Doom

Zintuwan Turssa Hlinomazka - Hunting from Moralë Al'Hondë, stone and metal

Ziwuntan Finälin Sladkošťáva - Huna z Elinwayë Al'Qintë, love and beauty



Concise list - Parts of Naulu




Ä'lino'liwaro - Jednozem

Dümindë'liwaro - Jinozem

Likayri'liwaro - Ledozem

Liwarnampar - Goddess

Liwarnuyn'dömirë - Skrytozem

Liwarnuyn'yoltawë - Čarozem

Nandömuri'liwaro - Jihozem

Slöruri'liwaro - Chernozem

Zämiläwi'liwaro - Divnozem


Realms of Naulu


Tör'elömiyol'mani - 1st Sphere - World

Tör'yalkoë'mani - Sphere 2 - Cloudy

Tör'umol'eromisti'mani - 3rd Sphere - Nadoblačná

Tör'uzahondimani - 4th Sphere - Deception

Tör'terestumirë - Sphere 5 - Torture

Tör'yaltarinko'stiriya'mani - 6th Sphere - Clairvoyance

Tör'yowulno'mani - 7th Sphere - Heaven

Tör'loynalmani - 8th Sphere - Hen'welenanen


Gates to the underground


Bazbu Nungal - Gareb Elëmiyoni's gate, in Turüh language

Dargh Narnondigh - Eltistürini Gate, in Turüh language

Hazmün Darmi - Wëmindi'yalonda'oyin gate, in Turüh language

Rügh Azafärigh - Gareb Easti Gate, in Turüh language

Rügh Zandul - Gareb Müni gate, in Turüh language

Rügh Zäram - the gateway to Gareb Fï'latrë, in Turüh language

Toron Banghi - Gareb Weyrikoyni gate, in Turüh language



Concise list - Animals of Naulu


Tildoyn'sülima - Animals of the Rulers

Lümina'sëli - Animal loves

Örona'sëli - Animal meat

Hidra'sëli - Animal wisdom

Niyena'sëli - Animal fires

Löyna'sëli - Animal Care

Alwama'sëli - Animal rocks

Mnëa'sëli - Animal lights

Horüna'sëli - Animal free

Ilmua'sëli - Animal waters

Täyrna'sëli - Animal greenery

Sïra'sëli - Animal evils

Sëlinnë - Animals, ancestors of animals


Fï'soruyni'talisë - Seven corrupt animals

Karah'mator - Shark corrupted by sin, Bloodthirstiness

Protokranda - cuckoo corrupted by sin, Lie

Utromnar - peacock corrupted by sin, Envy

Hokostorë - pig corrupted by sin, Greed

Kaklata - Rat spoiled by sin, Thief

Stomor - a lizard corrupted by sin, Cruelty

Logmüko - a hippopotamus corrupted by sin, Sloth

Drobná ilustrace

Clear list - Tildo

Qesta'tildon - The Twelve Gods

Örondë - Ruler of storms and discomfort, called Lorgan, also Issgramond, Jorgod, Rudan, or Tör -

Osqaldin - Ruler of Destiny, called Telumendiyë, also Arondon, Baduzär, Faran, Fatöniman or Petroför -

The ruler of the steppes and flowers, called Farkilë, also Boron, Helma'ringalo, Petron or Wespan -

Hidrandë - Ruler of Rulers, called Wingäriyë, also Arod, Dhïrdïr, Onohändi, Föron, Yagdo or Owolimi

Mnëndin - Ruler of air and wind, called Rignil, also Karih, Kirdunast or Om

Sïrdi - Ruler of evil and suffering, called Alostë or Agrifar Sa'eton

Lümindon - Ruler of goodness and love, called Neytäniyë, also Aya'minda, Galanen, Lila or Ürunlinwalin -

Alwamayna - The ruler of the stone, called Nimfëliyë, Nëytär, also Nomoli'manda, Sutnog, Wasya or Wätär -

Täyirndë - The ruler of the forests, called Lïdurindë, also Dïzan, Namlau'winniyan, Teleh'martïna, Tuyin or U'urla -

Niyenult - Ruler of Fire and Art, called Layqendi, also Helinda, Narnel Doelan, Rärn, Rastalinqa or Wäyfüyni

Loynalë - The ruler of sorrow and mercy, called Sensäriyë, also Alossani, Sisil, Togad or Tötär -

Ilmunayna - The ruler of the water, called Antanälë, also Lära, Limbarinë, Loyïga, Sirka, Wäywöyni or Yoltiwoyn -

Concise list - Vasë

Iruntiyannë - Vasë - daughter of Alwamayna - Lady of precious stones

Zalmindë - Vasë - daughter of Alwamayna - Lady of the Cold

Linuma'ali - Vasë - daughter of Alwamayna - Mrs. explorers

Galmon - Vasë - daughter of Alwamayna - Lady of the Dwarves

Nikoawirnë - Vasë - daughter of Alwamayna - Lady of the land creatures

Al'Mïnkostin - Vasë - daughter of Hidrandë - Lady of the Poets

Böy'wänastindë - Vasë - daughter of Hidrandë - Lady of the famous scripture

Nalasïlaylë - Vasë - daughter of Hidrandë - Ms. concentration

Pelka'fïstandon - Vasë - daughter of Hidrandë - Lady of responsibility

Fama Findam - Vasë - daughter of Hidrandë - Mrs

Noykim - Vasë - daughter of Horünen - Mrs. of colored bows

Alintaya - Vasë - daughter of Horünen - Lady of the Running Birds

Naweyra Leyla - Vasë - daughter of Horünen - Lady of Flowers

Klompinë - Vasë - daughter of Horünen - Mrs. meadow game

Daldoa - Vasë - daughter of Horünen - Mrs. ořů

Niwaltana - Vasë - daughter of Ilmunayna - Lady of the torrent

Gonmandina - Vasë - daughter of Ilmunayna - Lady of the Deep

Unandalindon - Vasë - daughter of Ilmunayna - Lady of the Lakes

Wyantalinnë - Vasë - daughter of Ilmunayna - Lady of the Sea Creatures

Sümina - Vasë - daughter of Ilmunayna - Lady of Autumn

Al'Nämiyon - Vasë - daughter of Ilmunayna - Mrs. dew

Awantäniyë - Vasë - daughter of Ilmunayna - Lady of the Rivers

Safsamöra - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of Poverty

Lïpawandë - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Mrs. Harmony

Apatë - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of the Peaceful Dead

Lïse Linwolinë - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of Grace

Yalnawuntaë - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of Hope

Mälisanwa - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of a strong soul

Toboltandiyë - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of the Elves

Inu - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of Loyalty

Dunawäen - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of Winter

Oyasaldon - Vasë - daughter of Loynalë - Lady of the Crippled

Deniyen'diyanlon - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of Abundance

Linuwa - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of Music

Mïla - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of Love

Elmiyara - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of Summer

Nahalmena - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of the Coins

Ayawïnli - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of sap and love juices

Iluka Ilanda - Vasë - daughter Lümindon - Mrs. newborn

Leno Lëtawo - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of Joyful Words

Mimediyennë - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of Laughter

Nilyalinna - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of the Seducers

Eniyan - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Lady of Happiness

Oawiwolnë - Vasë - daughter of Lümindon - Mrs. Veselic

Alïna - Vasë - daughter of Mnëndin - Lady of Youth

Qokas - Vasë - daughter of Mnëndin - Lady of Temptation

Ementalin - Vasë - daughter of Mnëndin - Lady of Desire

Läna Ilwäna - Vasë - daughter of Mnëndin - Lady of Passion

Fïnomïna - Vasë - daughter of Niyenult - Lady of the Fireplace

Sarpolintë - Vasë - daughter of Niyenult - Mrs. Canals

Ulwamïna - Vasë - daughter of Niyenult - Lady of Painting

Lula - Vasë - daughter of Niyenult - Lady of Singing

Neda Mïlena - Vasë - daughter of Niyenult - Ms. skillful words

Kugmonnë - Vasë - daughter of Örondë - Lady of Illness

Tiyetilnë - Vasë - daughter of Örondë - Mrs. neplechy

Yonta'balgunë - Vasë - daughter of Örondë - Lady of Revenge

Grï'panda - Vasë - daughter of Örondë - Lady of Selfishness

Temulinwa - Vasë - daughter of Osqaldin - Lady of Time

Al'Ümatondë - Vasë - daughter of Osqaldin - Lady of Good Events

Del'anäyn - Vasë - daughter of Osqaldin - Lady of Summer

Wanda'waninda - Vasë - daughter of Osqaldin - Lady of Destiny

Pelöstro - Vasë - daughter of Osqaldin - Lady of the fate of later races

Halmond - Vasë - daughter of Osqaldin - Lady of the Fate of Trees

Ölwa - Vasë - daughter of Osqaldin - Lady of Prophecy

Wolga - Vasë - daughter of Sïrdi - Lady of Hopelessness

Tempunalir - Vasë - daughter of Sïrdi - Mrs. pain

Walenrimpë - Vasë - daughter of Sïrdi - Lady of the Diseases of the Soul

Wirda - Vasë - daughter of Sïrdi - Mrs. Revenge

Dimlunga'anda'intë - Vasë - daughter of Sïrdi - Lady of the Cursed Words

Afnögi - Vasë - daughter of Sïrdi - Mrs. envy

Ïlnuyaynon - Vasë - daughter of Täyirndë - Mrs. Jara

Sëliwalna - Vasë - daughter of Täyirndë - Mrs. Forest Game

Elwandë - Vasë - daughter of Täyirndë - Mrs. of the young

Lindualinwa - Vasë - daughter of Täyirndë - Lady of Restoration of Life

Wadisa Ëlan - Vasë - daughter of Täyirndë - Lady of the Trees

Waqaynon - Vasë - daughter of Täyirndë - Lady of the Gardens

Aldari - Vasë - son of Alwamayna - Lord of precious metals

Ormorin - Vasë - son of Alwamayna - Lord of miners

Mouli - Vasë - son of Alwamayna - Lord of peaceful mountains

Sa'uli - Vasë - son of Alwamayna - Lord of mighty mountains

Geküwandë - Vasë - son of Alwamayna - Lord of the volcanoes

Lömi - Vasë - son of Alwamayna - Lord of the fertile land

Krofösto - Vasë - son of Alwamayna - Lord of earthquakes

Oykalostë - Vasë - son of Hidrandë - Lord of power

Awantolannë - Vasë - son of Hidrandë - Lord of wisdom

Dalmöli - Vasë - son of Hidrandë - Lord of strong will

Human - Vasë - son of Hidrandë - Lord of service and duty

Hanlo - Vasë - son of Hidrandë - Lord of Judges

Darondon - Vasë - son of Hidrandë - Lord of teachers

Asmoron - Vasë - son of Horünen - Lord of insects

Letinbel - Vasë - son of Horünen - Lord of the Blue Sky

Kolbanondë - Vasë - son of Horünen - Lord of the Pilgrims

Peruntan - Vasë - son of Horünen - Lord of speed and dexterity

Tasilo - Vasë - son of Horünen - Lord of the steppes

Lüfri - Vasë - son of Horünen - Lord of Freedom

Elto - Vasë - son of Ilmunayna - Lord of the seas

Angnamod - Vasë - son of Ilmunayna - Lord of sailors

Fomödi - Vasë - son of Ilmunayna - Lord of the Clouds

Welïson - Vasë - son of Loynalë - Lord of peace

Nelënar - Vasë - son of Loynalë - Lord of powerful words

Alenwan Leturnatirë - Vasë - son of Loynalë - Lord of the Martyrs

Löta - Vasë - son of Loynalë - Lord of the night

Inuadar - Vasë - son of Loynalë - Lord of humility and devotion

Tibelindë - Vasë - son of Lümindon - Lord of food

Födi - Vasë - son of Lümindon - Lord of drinking

Agätë - Vasë - son of Lümindon - Lord of field crops

Nelüdis - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of colors

Terpindo - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of players

Omalïn - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of musicians

Altandi - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of Wings

Tïmati - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of flying birds

Skipori - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of lies and deceptions

Wömindan - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of light

Mëlan - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of the wind

He'nam - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord vidu

Wilmontandë - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of impatience and recklessness

Lümrandë - Vasë - son of Mnëndin - Lord of the scouts

Tesïlë Lïmas - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of good creations

Nalmo - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of the blacksmiths

Dümon - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of cities

Tur - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of Master Adventurers

Etünfandiyë - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of mighty metals

Temindar - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of statues

Andro'satinda'london - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of the builders

Ratolindë - Vasë - son of Niyenult - Lord of all craftsmen

Qoltondë - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of Lightning

Walinon - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of the Warriors

Sutopulniyan - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of parasites

Cuy'nildi - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of the rain

Daelos - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of hounds

Galmontar - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of steel

Hämar - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of power

Noyarë - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of the mischievous

Sato'olöf - Vasë - son of Örondë - Lord of Thieves

Galpandë - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of the Way of the Dead

Namiseldi - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of the sinful dead

Melantran - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of the fate of dragons

Mandungofan - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of the destiny of elementary creatures

Kastrondo - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of the mountains

Lömisandë - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of Destiny

Lampigan - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of fates of elves

Lükasan Elintran - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of the Fate of the Beasts

Fasoruylantrë - Vasë - son of Osqaldin - Lord of evil destiny

Rerüman - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of conquest

Bawiyakon - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of Frost

Sürdakon - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of diseases

Martir - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of the undead

Darongon - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of Destruction

Bärwalfanon - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of the accursed words

Faylo - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of shed blood

Totmütar - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of ghosts

Bröm - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of goblins

Sorimgandon - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of shadow

Retüstikon - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of Suffering

Watakan - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of wars

Taro'tär - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of weapons

Göh - Vasë - son of Sïrdi - Lord of malice

Entomalin - Vasë - son of Täyirndë - Lord of the Druids

Awalmanë - Vasë - son of Täyirndë - Lord of healing power

Peleston - Vasë - son of Täyirndë - Lord of the thickets

Tomnindë - Vasë - son of Täyirndë - Lord of the forest birds

Terlora - Afnögi - name given by people

Cid - Agätë - name given by people

Wahan - Agätë - name given by people

Gilwer - Aldari - name given by people

Tron - Alenwan Leturnatirë - name given by people

Aykana - Alïna - name given by people

Mosa - Alintaya - name given by people

Krumsin - Al'Mïnkostin - name given by people

Zapona - Al'Nämiyon - name given by people

Zilimano - Altandi - another name

Kimehnal - Altandi - a name given by humans

Niyana - Al'Ümatondë - name given by people

Difrus - Andro'satinda'london - name given by people

Mer - Angnamod - a name given by humans

Kunrad - Apatë - name given by people

Randa - Apatë - name given by people

Ës - Asmoron - a name given by humans

Ssilda Matilda - Awantäniyë - name given by people

Dul - Awantolannë - name given by people

Böna - Ayawïnli - name given by people

Krohat - Bärwalfanon - name given by people

Kssoron - Bawiyakon - name given by people

Terl - Böy'wänastindë - name given by people

Ssodah - Bröm - name given by people

Zalerod - Cuy'nildi - a name given by humans

Kelor - Daelos - A name given by humans

Lohor - Daldoa - name given by people

Ssaver - Dalmöli - name given by people

Lester - Darondon - name given by people

Nufis - Del'anäyn - name given by people

Ekimpa - Deniyen'diyanlon - name given by people

Densekota - Dimlunga'anda'intë - name given by people

Rimbar - Dümon - name given by people

Zalda Zinulda - Dunawäen - a name given by people

Nomarka - Elmiyara - a name given by people

Umol - Elto - a name given by humans

Sadi Lisädi - Ementalin - a name given by people

Fü - Eniyan - a name given by humans

Dümlin - Entomalin - another name

Klontidar - Etünfandiyë - name given by people

Telkur - Fama Findam - a name given by people

Riteraldo - Fasoruylantrë - name given by people

Asskarot Wenderon - Faylo - Name given by humans

Rodelka - Fïnomïna - name given by people

Saläma - Fïnomïna - name given by people

Tolan - Födi - a name given by people

Zim Zerem - Fomödi - a name given by people

Kakassa - Galmon - a name given by humans

Tarakil - Galmontar - A name given by humans

Krom - Galpandë - name given by people

Ripos - Geküwandë - name given by people

Kentur - Göh - name given by people

Ygotar - Gonmandina - name given by people

Kreldaka - Grï'panda - name given by people

Halmïya - Halmonda - another name

Telka Emtalenka - Halmonda - name given by people

Mukonam - Hämar - name given by people

Degn - Hanlo - name given by people

Swenkorod Soron - Human - a name given by humans

Fafi - Iluka Ilanda - a name given by people

Plawuna Plïwada - Inu - a name given by people

Sumida - Inuadar - name given by people

Enlerim - Inuadar - name given by people

Budraga Ludra - Iruntiyannë - name given by people

Hagoh - Kastrondo - name given by people

Lubuma - Klompinë - name given by people

Borab Anagad - Kolbanondë - name given by people

Haumursk - Kugmonnë - name given by people

Kopstor - Lampigan - name given by people

Bäska - Läna Ilwäna - a name given by people

Winama - Leno Lëtawo - name given by people

Ssaflo - Letinbel - A name given by humans

Iretana - Linuma'ali - name given by people

Inomar - Linuwa - name given by humans

Wüma - Lïpawandë - name given by people

Kmandira - Lïse Linwolinë - name given by people

Egiya Mangorod - Lömi - name given by people

Snukih - Lömisandë - name given by people

Tön - Löta - a name given by people

Flämagon - Lüfri - a name given by people

Skelemrot - Lükasan Elintran - name given by people

Hanamilka - Lula - a name given by people

Nahaldar - Lümrandë - name given by people

Asslewor Ssowor - Mälisanwa - name given by people

Lowrusk - Mandungofan - name given by people

Dralid Dragun - Martir - name given by people

Stou - Mëlan - a name given by people

Trad - Melantran - a name given by people

Nona - Mïla - a name given by people

Wadumana - Mimediyennë - name given by people

Lofry - Mouli - name given by people

Peyunka - Nahalmena - name given by people

Hriskal Nurum - Nalasïlaylë - name given by people

Skelist Skondar - Namiseldi - name given by people

Serawa - Naweyra Leyla - A name given by people

Fudba Mahura - Neda Mïlena - name given by people

Plömtar - Nelënar - name given by people

Leorn - Nelüdis - name given by people

Klotoma - Nilyalinna - name given by humans

Tohombara - Niwaltana - a name given by people

Reray - Noykim - a name given by people

Risana - Nikoawirnë - name given by people

Dololo - Oawiwolnë - name given by people

Liwrena - Ölwa - name given by people

Nadinir - Omalïn - name given by people

Terfi - On'nam - name given by people

Fyerdhal - Ormorin - a name given by humans

Fuski - Oyasaldon - name given by people

Rolo - Oykalostë - name given by people

Lary - Pelka'fïstandon - name given by people

Yirmur - Pelöstro - name given by people

Apolon Lädon - Peruntan - name given by people

Pehenda - Qokas - name given by people

Rakar Rümah - Qoltondë - name given by people

Solrad Sulimar - Ratolindë - name given by people

Suleh - Rerüman - name given by people

Garmaz - Retüstikon - name given by people

Desera - Safsamöra - a name given by humans

Wembrator - Sarpolintë - name given by people

Isahan - Sato'olöf - name given by people

Efry - Sa'uli - a name given by humans

Kasskamat - Skipori - a name given by people

Belwatur - Sorimgandon - name given by people

Deliro - Sümina - name given by people

Nardugor - Sürdakon - name given by people

Ranumbel - Sutopulniyan - name given by humans

Golöfri - Tempunalir - another name

Zadasstro Galawa - Tempunalir - name given by people

Wir Wusoh - Temulinwa - name given by people

Crüfi - Terpindo - name given by people

Wembar - Tesïlë Lïmas - a name given by people

Siwer - Tibelindë - name given by people

Flü - Tïmati - name given by people

Delniriya - Tiyetilnë - name given by people

Endipereya - Toboltandiyë - name given by people

Slitinad Solnug - Totmütar - name given by people

Baton Azador - Tur - a name given by people

Hela - Ulwamïna - name given by people

Lokana - Unandalindon - name given by people

Rimrada - Walenrimpë - name given by people

Selmrak Skagar - Walinon - Name given by people

Holtka - Wanda'waninda - name given by people

Sameh - Watakan - name given by people

Luha - Welïson - name given by people

Klency - Wilmontandë - name given by people

Korspana - Wirda - name given by people

Kulgora - Wolga - name given by people

Ur - Wömindan - a name given by people

Belwurih - Wyantalinnë - name given by people

Soy - Yalnawuntaë - name given by people

Niwarada - Yonta'balgunë - name given by people

Solta Rinolta - Zalmindë - name given by people

Ismiday - Awalmanë - name given by people

Luciya - Elwandë - name given by people

Obar Forman - Entomalin - a name given by humans

Zolasta - Ïlnuyaynon - the name given by the people

Sawaya Entomira - Lindualinwa - Name given by people

Tasriyah - Peleston - A name given by humans

Laniru - Sëliwalna - name given by people

Baduh - Tomnindë - name given by people

Smolinda - Wadisa Ëlan - a name given by people

Dalarita - Waqaynon - A name given by humans



Concise list - Ancestors of the people


Aënöni - Eastern people

Atumyön - Northern people

Burmuni - an unknown nation of missing people

Fëlinöni - Forest people

Haylal - Other Eastern people

Kalnöni - Black people

Wumäni - Four-toed people

Lakayliki - Maritime people

Kintalonöni - Island people

Olanöni - a perverse nation of the people

Sünöni - Southern people

Ëonöni - Western people

Ogoli - Yellow people


Don - Praotec lidu Aënöni

Yargor - Ancestor of the people of Atumyön, called Modrobrada

Opok - The ancestor of the people of Burmun

Burmudir - Ancestor of the people of Burmuni, another name

Opoläk - Ancestor of the people of Burmuni, another name

Karl - Praotec lidu Ëonöni

Powrost - Ancestor of the people of Ëonöni, another name

Zoltah'cca - Praotec lidu Fëlinöni

Opopän - Ancestor of the people of Fëlinöni, another name

Giyumess - The ancestor of the people of Haylal, called the Golden Language

Oma Ominga Ondula Mebwanda - Ancestor of the people of Kalnöni

Ominda - Ancestor of the people of Kalnöni, another name

Laykun - The ancestor of the people of Kintalonöni

Minikatiki - The ancestor of the Lakayliki people

Ugay - The ancestor of the people of Ogoli

Yalumba - The ancestor of the people of Olanöni

Ubwunda - Ancestor of the people of Olanöni, another name

Luciyus - The ancestor of the people of Sünöni

Radio - Ancestor of the people of Wumäni


Philip - one of Don Don's wives

Läciya - one of Don Don's wives

Natalïya - one of Don Don's wives

Anastaza - one of Karel Karel's wives

Elza - one of Karel Karel's wives

Mariyuna - one of Karel Karel's wives

Anatöli - one of Ugay 's father' s women

Böh'sstura - one of Ugay B's father's wives

Boykuy - one of Ugaye C's father's wives

Darzür'dzay - one of Ugaye's father D

Dzarzäna - one of Ugaye E's wives

Miygussa - one of the women of father Ugaye F

Permüday - one of the women of Father Ugay G

Tümuminda - one of Ugaye's father H

Ülana - one of the women of father Ugaye J

Hyümdala - one of the women of Father Yargor A

Nikoleta - one of the women of Father Yargor B

Utala - one of the women of Father Yargor C



Concise list - Books, songs and poems




Tümontistë - Divine books of stories, dreamed by Fümadon

Wï'ikon'kolto'ströwo'kestiyon - Book of Songs of the Tough Sage

Belgikon - Book of Enlightenment, cursed, by Sïrdi

Asïrda'gugmotiko - Book of Enlightenment, Cursed, by Sïrdi (Sïrdi's Cursed Book)

Alankawëna'oyöli'ri'wï'ikon - The Book of the Elves of Nobility

Peltagroh - Book of the teachings of Damodäyna, written by Iwanday

Wëmindiyë'wï'ikon - The Book of Eternity, about Arkasülim

Ardah'melëriya - The Golden Book of Dragons, contains the deeds of Tewo'melër dragons

Dïmilnoyë'wï'ikon - The Book of the March of the Dead

Klërotomi'wï'ikon - The book of all destinies

Telehta'sorumi'wï'ikon - The Book of Free Handcuffs

Yonma'womaë'al'Wï'ikon - The Book of Enlightenment in the Dark


Songs and poems


Yawänë'huna'lepostiriyonniya - Song of the Angels of Lepostiriyon

Falasölya'folë - A song about Falasölim

Gingassya'folë - A song about Gingassya

Alwöli'umnë'elëonë - a song about Toroli's pilgrimage

Länwa'yi'kolnisiya'lantafolë - A song about truth and ashes - a song about Swilan

Elëanë'uwaymë - a song about Uwa

Olmö - Sïwalin wave song

Linenöma'stiliyan - Song, Praise of earthly beauty

Hulnoya'alayo'lantafolë - The Song of the Good Serpent of the Noble

Aläwi'rölna'folë - A song about Kanrëm and Ugastïnë

Elëanë'së'emanoylanë - a song about the death and suffering of the first man killed

Nümal'olaye'emaniyala - A song of precious stone

Müna'lïm'zeldiyon - Songs about the way to the ruins

Al'Eromistë'eanfinnan - Singing of Echoes and Herpes

Füyni'karahëya'lantafolë - Song of the War of the Dragons and the Beasts

Elëanë'al'Kilintoya - A poem about wind, water and clouds

Kakostrofös - a poem about the war of the mountains

Sïrdin'akwantori - The Expulsion of Sïrdi, an epic poem

Tamonan'diyana'yikolanë - A song about the magnificence of Yannäë



Concise list - Heroes of mythical times


Gingass, the Old Spirit

Palïsar Sličný

Swilan Zlatomeč

Bïlan and his Companions

Toroli Seafarer

Lipan Bohatýr

Garon and Tasüri

Tayabrona Unbreakable

Edlïyona Čarosloká

Dëcen Světakrok

Latina Beautiful

Manatär Protector

Yäkos Hraničář

Ssärka Drakozhouba

Stelgar Mysterious

Awëlka Torch

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