A song about Huna (still auto-translated only)
A song about the most noble of the Praelementars
126.1 Behold!
Let's play, let's just play,
hear more
let the heart beat us
we dance, jump,
we dance, by a wild jump,
we dance, with a roaring song,
with a song powerful and endless,
like a dawn with hope
like the heat of a noon,
like twilight with a promise,
like midnight with a mystery,
and let us not hide the song,
let's live the juicy life,
to Huna Lepostiriyon look,
we think of them
to the parents of the gods,
to their aunts and uncles,
whose glory is still there,
with blazing eyes,
and an open heart,
as our hearts are to be,
let's pray
and the songs are dense,
then let's remember
who still wears,
the noblest crown,
ancient times,
who still wears,
scepter of recent times.
Hunting first
Z Näyiwolë Al'Kifaylë,
from Ürundirë,
light and fire were with them,
up to seventeen,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
Zedkïmo Takin Sladovonná,
which resides in beautiful gardens,
the most beautiful flowers are bred there,
fats and bitterly gave the world,
those flowers of the mountains and bravery,
Fyaten'lay Wës Mědisvitná,
in the distance it shines extremely hot,
what she taught the fire to warm,
glowing embers breed,
metals solder and flow,
Say'duntan Hurn Tmobojna,
boasting with the crown,
that he takes his breath with his light,
She doesn't scare the light,
and Alwalon blessed everyone.
Mayni'wytär Tanön Vznešepravná,
in Sa'itimul County,
cute stories telling,
to all who listen,
perhaps even in ancient times,
he wanders with his stories.
Andero'tay Gouhïm Třpytozpytná,
which she carved out of pure stone,
according to Hidrandë's office,
to him a once ancient temple,
later given as a model.
Melinran Sëwoldi Paprskodajná,
who taught not only to warm fire,
but also the light of Slöynan,
how to distribute heat,
and curl between the leaves,
he talks to Tildo with caution.
Fayespin Kimrös Létohřejná,
the one that encourages summer in the heat,
and which Mrs. Del'anäyn taught,
to make slender grass more golden,
so that the flowers ripen gracefully,
to make hot happiness a summer.
Ëstam'ritin Sster Polyhedral,
which spreads flames around,
many Alnë then watch over,
it warms the regions, but it also burns them,
resting in the fire and looking for a friend.
Qaybür Arhor Stoloučná,
the heat of the desert belongs to her,
thousands of flames burn there,
by Qoltondë,
Lord of Lightning, son of Örondë
even a mighty breath flowed into his soul,
she gave him a sparkling eye,
alone with tousled hair,
a powerful spark on each.
Smölwar Ponwol Non-clairvoyant,
what leads the Light to nooks,
Naulu left an unlit stone,
who is sleeping in Uturmo,
but Smölwar does not hide it.
126.13 Siyondi Kauras Hidden,
which rules with a mysterious flame,
it is immersed in stone,
in the depths it is hidden as well,
where the sun does not shine, nor the moon,
but he gives great passion to the heart.
126.14 Tantal Gëlmeray Light-tolerant,
on a solid glittering cross,
with his long hair he shines,
but often also tearful,
he just smiles at happiness,
and he sacrifices himself for good.
126.15 Mirtitäs Pelopel Mocnopalná,
which Wömindana called,
the glorious Lord of light,
also Yalnawuntaë, Mrs. Hope,
and she is much loved,
she enjoys glory,
and hot temples are being built for her,
by the hot fireplaces, the maniacs meditate,
what a great grace she gave,
these famous Lords,
that is, what she must have had in her.
126.16 Banworïh Tënus Teplomírná,
fighting against the cold,
the limbs are warm, the hearts of all,
only warms up in friendship,
he does not persuade anyone.
126.17 Üskat Radaltë Mírožárná,
who told Fïnomïna,
the Lady of the Fireplace,
famous among people
Extinguish the fire itself,
never to destroy the home,
he'd rather go out himself,
the flame of peace,
blessing of home,
as it has been for a long time.
126.18 Slängi'tan Kïn Devětitmářská
who never saw the lights
always surrounded by darkness,
preferably also deep in the caves,
in those ancient galleries,
on the wall of the rune strange writes,
maybe I'm just creating underground,
then they give magical power.
126.19 Swazya Kïkeras Loučemocná.
which wonderful torches,
from the light of the stars she gave to the trees,
not to lament more at night,
which were too dark for them,
but only a certain number,
and never again say goodbye to
they were not to be seen among men.
Huna others
Z Al'Opaylkoltë,
from Atalen,
the air and flying with them,
up to the number of floors,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
Esyodu Lönay Windbreaker,
merciful, swift in body,
they dance wonderfully,
breeze in the form and smell,
said Daldoya, Lady of the Horses,
and also Mëlan, Lord of the Winds,
her lovely womb shines,
it is said that she is cute and timid,
so it is very verbal.
Lortayömi Sart Bouřovládná,
Altandi was born,
the lord of the flying birds,
also Tomnindë, Lord of the Forest Birds,
her womb is a storm,
strong and combative,
she holds the spear powerfully,
and defends his country,
which roars beyond the mountains,
but then the serenity of lovemaking seeks.
Clan Taurïwar Smrštimírná,
which drove the winds before Mëlü,
Izmoy'malfoyena acknowledged
for his ready-made king,
other times strictly strict.
Templar Würumarki Vanozmarná,
calms down everything there is to silence,
even spending air can
even to insult souls insidiously,
strange in her offices,
perhaps it would be better without her.
Yandüri Anäwun Omnipotent
which begot the cruel Lord of Agility,
Peruntana, of wild apple,
and she is great,
there is a storm over the mountains,
there is a mighty draft under the rocks,
tangled in leaves and branches,
and the stone is roughly crushed,
to the sand under the fine rock.
Hunting third
Z Moralë Al'Hondë,
from Balbro,
stone and minerals were with them,
up to fourteen,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
Temano'ssino Polos Horovědná,
which Mëon has always lectured,
in their sleep as well,
even in their weeping cries,
witch mountains also called.
Mastun'gan Hät Hot-air,
whose red color was
and hot blood stomachs of mountains,
greenery then hard-killing,
without remorse, without mercy.
Nomla'pär Pentön
which drove the springs up,
mixed color pairs,
but she also treated in pain,
and for the healing of the pains ruled,
always restless, her soul longs,
he distributes his will very unjustly.
Olök'atur Mäss Zeměklidná,
which sang to the clay of the song,
even the earthquakes calmed the earth,
soothing songs on her lips,
she built clay statues,
and breathed life into them.
Wetüma'gun Rah Sopkolamná,
warrior unbreakable,
fast in combat, also decisive,
with fire in his eyes and in his breath.
Tormentor Gelegahtör,
to whom she did not give peace,
Honored by Alwamayna herself.
Oypak'öylo Ron Silver-gold,
in metal clothing,
she wore a golden hood,
silver shoes,
forged in silver,
immense treasures.
Pulwan Tüntilen Blue Stone,
let it be glorified,
a plethora of gems decorated,
the region to its ruler,
gentleman mild, good.
Eynu'mantü För Hlubinznalá,
who hears all that crunches,
what whispers what just moves
in silence under the mountains,
as well as under tears.
Zintuwan Turssa Hlinomazka,
which sculptures solid sculptures,
the first they ever went
according to its famous form,
Kenülmi called them.
Kristuwär Hör Démantozpytná,
which gems of all kinds,
chooses from the depths of the mountains,
entangles in the roots of the aboveground,
so decorate the forests later,
he also puts his power in them,
soft, captivating light,
as beautiful ornaments,
the forests are then colored.
Aulkay Sün Všezpěvá,
glory whose undying,
with sweet music born,
until the end of the world mighty,
music pleasing, for a thousand instruments,
day after day more complicated,
in the noise of water and shelling of rocks,
musician the most spectacular
and which gave birth to Linuwa, the Lady of Music.
Helgölurik Sür Znovuhora,
which Mouli, Lord of the peaceful mountains
she said in great passion,
but she is always calm herself
prudent and rigid
she also taught the mountains
walk them and sing and talk.
Petrimän Gür Skalomluvná,
which had a thousand new words,
the mountains would teach them
would predetermine new destinies for the world
but now asleep as Mëon.
Werssü'linta Wür Srázovousá.
which first combed the beard of the mountains,
later also to the good Tree,
and to people and dwarves,
the ancient ornament of the mountains.
Hunting neighborhood
Z Hipostilë Al'Wäsë,
from Mnëndi,
wisdom and knowledge were with them,
up to eleven,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
Hariyan Tosä Knowing,
who are not afraid of wisdom,
which is not afraid of the number of books,
he always learns tirelessly,
bless those who are like.
Undö Burtan Peklomyslá,
for the black mind must be,
as she always definitely sang,
under the black banner,
black spear holds, bloody,
and to the burning destruction of others he commands.
Oplöwer Taykotin Myslohlubná,
which stings in thought,
and think it over immensely,
and she begat Darondon,
that master of blessings,
Oplöwer then against stupidity,
swarms on all sides,
even in hatred against her,
wisdom over life is valued.
Nilolün'torwin Přemysla,
which the Lady of mighty words,
Neda became the father of Milena,
a wise dog is her creature,
but the animals of them are few,
they read in the books by the fireplaces,
she herself in Tildoron,
in the great sacred library,
she found her peace and warmth,
he no longer descends on Naulu.
Rostowän'tügor Hleďdálena,
half the number of eyes blind,
half the more looking,
always one step behind the horizon,
who saw what was coming
than Osqaldin meant.
Ewlan'rürwah Report,
fast, fast,
carrying a scroll in his hand,
in the mouth the word passed,
on the shoulders of the table carved.
Sinta'algopël Stozraká,
which he sees in all colors,
eyes and ancient,
which tempted Temulinwa,
with Father Osqaldin,
the unpredictable Lady of Time,
let the joys last even longer,
for her eyes are ancient,
sees what many witches do,
then they could never see again.
Ugmo'indürda Wug Žezlodajná,
and she begat Nelënar and Loynala,
the Lord of mighty words,
he always grips with firm language,
steadfast in their words,
but she did not reveal the words of power,
only loves beautiful women
they will show them with their scepter,
happy one who gives up.
Prapür Sagnir Color Change,
which changes everything at a glance,
herself too, without patterns,
for she gives them herself,
word changes the color of the Essential.
Olgar'hildi Sstür Neboťznalá,
wisdom abounding in wisdom,
what he doesn't know then he knows later
in the holy mood he also drowns,
perhaps from Mïrondë themselves,
the powers of knowledge were supplied.
Uplanwïr Tas Decision,
which authorized Ementalin,
The Lady of Desire, Mnëndin's daughter,
and which also in the decisions of all
as the granite from within is solid,
he builds without a smile,
maybe she would like to rule,
She did not give in to Hidrandë,
but in the end to his detriment.
Hunting fifth
Z Restarë Al'Gugmopë,
from Fïrdi,
anger and destruction was with them,
up to nineteen,
contempt all in one,
not mentioned in daily prayers,
Ige'womundar Wüs Trpzkáza,
without a smile and patiently,
always chooses for other ways,
for suffering to ripen powerfully,
for death is deliverance;
she led the maniacs in that direction.
Nordigar Ssüs Sedmilhářka,
seven cunning faces,
one word does not believe another,
a sly smile on her cheeks she wears,
anger only grows
if anyone looks at her lies.
Ssëmi'restron Rudwa Bolestipaní,
awakening in a roar of pain,
hateful, unwilling,
torture wounds, blood shrinks,
reeds bloody wears.
Zentuzanto Wïrgos Škodibožná,
like a small pest,
what sucks the deities,
if you happen to sleep
however, it swallows their power.
Hemdïgun Dulwar Zlopřejná,
who never walks alone,
only in a bad voice speaks into a dream,
like a silent shadow creeps in,
destiny, even fixed, all spoils,
so that she may be a deceitful joy.
Külo'namir Tug Nemějráda,
which is forged in the Wilderness,
no longer comes to light,
and wishes the world destruction,
although it does not fulfill it in secret.
And well then.
Kelgo'rondi Würon Puchvějná,
which wails in the valley,
destroys everything that came after her,
that even Iwirin would envy
however, the sun fears
fortunately it is also hidden,
in the deep halls below the world.
Fïhanwer Dömna Chvostobijná,
always sown in the skin,
then considerably harmful,
but still verbal,
brown color is afraid of her.
Tera'ssïye Rald Chernobyl,
who likes to build herself,
then he often eats it,
the bad black destroys the village,
Zatass-like, damned.
Uskar'ando Wös Soběmysl,
which swallowed up her own words,
but by doing so, she was overtaken twice,
she put it down in her mouth,
to her soul like a rock,
overcame all the hardships of fate,
and also the best of maniacs,
she likes to pass on the secret.
Recïrkar Der Šedomlatná,
which was eventually absorbed by Molhon
a deep shaft in Likintiyannon,
as well as a perverted waterfall,
she left behind, inviting,
Ivarinden laughed in the face,
before Hidrandë arranged order.
Ssaugrihan Sül Mnozmará,
if it turns out, ruin swarms,
if he sees, the pitch sticks,
which begot Namiseldi,
the Lord of sinful dead,
and he doesn't go to heaven,
Sül doesn't look at him herself,
only further does it slowly crawl around the world,
he has no joy in joy.
Yulzu'rowir Höran Změtivláda,
which fought against the trees,
in the first war against Fäliyë,
and she hath done many misfortunes,
black souls and bloody hands,
dark breath and claws voracious.
Galdsüri Düy Wide Envy,
who played the mysterious whistle,
the music of that country,
like a flowing haze of envy
devouring reckless hearts.
126.68 Resputi'rëkos Tir Srdcebodná,
which enchanted Bilane with betrayal,
he created thorn in his armor,
she cursed him like a curse,
she locked his heart,
the unworthy one that does not contribute to the good,
harms the world, the sun shades,
leather, sleep and lose grandeur.
Nürssiwasta Füri Mečezmarná,
who only bit the blades of good ones,
like red rust, like mold,
she took strength from the righteous wounds,
until always the dark shield won.
Gagmüldo Uzi'yakim Světarobota,
which burdens others,
as unwanted work,
stone chained for life,
happy of some,
others badly badly burned.
Keki'stirmor Nahuy Jedupaní,
dirty poison in the eyes,
it also drips from her fingers,
and no one welcomes her
in her breath is also death.
Blangüy Hamir Celohladovost,
monstrous thread puppet,
the region trembles trembling,
it devours all that is not guarded,
then in a terrible voice,
it burns into souls and howls terribly,
when hope fades - and in despair,
then the maniac everything he values,
she sinks her voracious in her throat.
Hunts six
Z Elinwayë Al'Qintë,
from Lamindo,
love and beauty were with them,
up to nine,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
Olma'lilkü Ayküs Zlatovlasá,
which happens,
who bows to the beauty of women,
changing every day,
it blooms at dawn.
Ziwuntan Finälin Sladkošťáva,
very delicious juice
she is a lush source,
in drops and streams,
flows like a gift.
Yan'wëu Wälan Rozkošmíra,
which multiplies pleasure,
when pleasure comes by itself,
presents with a touch,
she also indulges in pleasure,
hot every noon.
Yamantär Olömir Lépesvětá,
which great prayers deserve,
even if he does not hear them, he is deaf to them,
but he always wants laughter and happiness,
growth and joy, by its light,
from the crown of her world round,
he purifies with holy light.
Planïli Wun Pyjozmámná,
it is like a thorny trap;
hungry manhood catching,
hidden under juicy beauty,
she also caught the deities,
but her mind is guileless.
Urëlossin Ayhen Nesmírkrása,
who loved Mitahali Jazypytna,
and she eagerly learned everything from her,
always as a sleepy beauty,
immense lust flows,
also very wise, and prudent,
juicy womb, beautiful,
all women Naulu model,
could always be an example.
Hesenlïn Wam Dobromyslá,
which will never sin by thought,
the saint thinks of others in this way,
and love with kindness,
be at your expense, to all,
without hesitation she gave, the best.
Lumi'lümin Woyn Chutnosoustá,
which turns into golden roast,
what no one else could do,
the stone is tasty, or a ray,
and the buttermilk runs down his chin.
Wolna'burmi Durim Lůžežehnala,
who is especially happy with Emani,
their love is true
which she always had in her heart,
but she wandered empty-handed for a long time,
the noble feeling now distributes.
Hunting Seven
Z Heqiltë Al'Opoylkë,
from Wuka,
the way back and the decay was with them,
up to thirteen,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
Kissmül Wawin Bahnožela,
lady over the old mud,
fat newt in the mud,
triple eyes of dull color,
he doesn't talk to anyone
he wishes no one luck.
Seste'ssmük Nold Radějzmara,
also smolders by touch,
leaves, trunks, even bodies,
but he does not notice the living,
before he exhales for the last time.
Braki'deyo Kment Rozhodbouře,
who rules fast ideas,
where it is decided like lightning,
though reason flows like thunder,
for he must always act first,
to think
bless the warriors,
however, sorcerers' foreheads are wrinkled.
Dinraden Rod Backstep,
it was always dark,
never move forward,
only the fate of the stone fortress,
can donate
she blinded many maniacs so much
not only fools, but also rulers.
Burmo Maril Děšťomlatá,
which, like a mighty great drop,
always travels between heaven and earth,
the rain also spreads, only lightly,
but as an iron hammer,
falls on the ground, yet calm,
a blessing is not always
but in ancient times,
mountains to delight was.
Meldan'dre Wart Lightning,
which Hälikon for Örondë's kula,
unfortunately also for various monsters,
few were created,
she also has lightning in her eyes,
he uses it as a mighty gift,
however, Örondë is not more powerful.
Kyno'püldar Pos Lehkodechá,
who puts his breath to sleep,
nor can Tildo resist,
and Ayamastë avoids her,
to him who appears beautiful to her,
she likes to sleep sweetly.
Ssïr'wotür Zer Bouřezmámná,
similar to two-color flashes,
wild intoxicating storm,
which Melantrana gave birth to,
the father of Osqaldin Ruler was,
the Lord of Dragon Fates,
she bathes herself in storms,
he sings in lightnings,
into the womb of old man Osqaldin.
Pelyn'wümim Törir Ocelopaže,
which Ghon of Melëra killed,
he made a weapon from her heart,
although she had a heart of steel,
she fell quickly in battle,
steel itself without strength in the soul,
hard to resist the world.
Keysswër Bura Dírodělná,
like a hammer and thunder in the heavens,
which Noyarë gave birth to,
Lord of the wicked, unworthy,
the son of Örondë the mighty,
however, she does not descend to the ground by herself,
only in the cloud holes are cut,
and the rays of Slöynan drop,
then bathe happily in them.
Samus'aker Tös Exhaust dust,
who is the first with his suffocating breath,
even you without your own breath,
can torment
then home alone,
for the disgusting Zatass happened,
he spreads his breath across the ground.
Yerma'sondul Süstal Býkosedá,
they look at the life of the beast, at death,
vultures gave the world, gnawing,
no one can take them, poison, not disease,
she protects them from swallowing,
what is to be swallowed, for pleasure,
for death results from death,
from the abominations of decay, then beauty;
she is watching the matter closely.
Hmül'kil Yamdu Dějsezlá.
which weaves shoots with wires,
for the gray doom of both,
he loves rust on swords and sickles,
he also likes to see the sickle and the sword,
when it sinks into green bodies.
Hunting eighth
Ze Saylfanë Al'Loynë,
from Eriyudol,
immense water power was with them,
up to ten,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
Nosal'danïs Kan Vlnolamka,
only a hundred daughters said,
beautiful agile fish,
in the seas around the world,
which entered the government of Zïyë.
Robaz'wintü Kay Foam Beauty,
white is her color,
which Niyenult also taught,
also Elton, how to stroke the waves,
wise in words and mind.
126,100 th most common
Undan'li Mürn Hlubinvláda,
dressed in black and blue robes,
mild but indifferent to the world,
never speak
only the weirdest pampers,
from fish seemingly disgusting,
of creatures no one sees,
also the shepherdess of the depths,
she later called her Ilmunayna.
126,101 th most common
Pesskodun Ssakal Těžkobahna,
perhaps based in Nahagar,
under seventeen mud layers,
the blackened palace is inhabited,
he will never see the light Fö again,
but perhaps Lëy will please her,
to mud books,
he writes down his black thoughts.
126,102 th most common
Luwer'aklopil Häk Štěstipramenná,
whose hair is six strands,
he also rules with six hands,
she gave life to six springs,
of the six openings thereof,
she gave love and happiness to everyone,
there was no strength left for the rest.
126,103 th most common
Angla'winti Lös Nesmírmodrá,
like the great sea it spreads,
damp and big, happy,
which Wyantalinnë said,
Lady of the Sea Creatures,
the daughter of the Ruler of Ilmunayna,
she then accompanies the ships herself,
always mild, even in a cruel storm,
with his fingers he also protects,
boats stranded in the waves.
126,104 th most common
Umla'wundi Lompar Mírovodá,
the word calms her storm
even the stream will calm the stream,
she has always been gentle
and falls easily in front of the blade.
126,105 th most common
Loto'nin Gar Bahnotužná,
which is mysterious
many spells lady,
resides in the mud
and angrily avenging,
Woe to the unworthy.
126,106 th most common
Ssnegi'fïn Gad Snow Frost,
which Säviha gave birth to, from the womb of ice,
the unfortunate of that magnificent spirit,
love did not include, if at all,
a lady over the snow, from her womb,
the dust is slowly falling out of the world,
and Likintiyannon strengthens.
126,107 th most common
Emoworen Gusk Protiledá,
which formed beautiful flakes
with your cold breath,
first on the mountain tops,
later also in Ledozemi,
she taught all creatures the art,
intertwine of snow flakes images.
Huna ninth
126,108 th most common
Z Qastalë Al'Mistimalë,
from Altiyanë,
growth and healing with them was
up to thirty-three,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
126,109 th most common
Pewle'nïmi Ortar
who plant his saliva and tears in the ground,
he looks at the seeds forever,
life grows from the desolate soil,
famous among Huna was.
126,110 th most common
Telmu'santor Hanta'molpar Mladoskvostná,
breath gives young beauty,
for the youth of sleep is more beautiful;
oak, fish, cow and virgin,
he walks on Naulu like this,
praised and called very much.
126,111 th most common
Asmayn Olwantir Zelenohrabná,
Waqaynon, the Lady of the Gardens,
where your fingers dive,
rye, cabbage, herbs, as well as apple trees,
devotes strength and order,
currants, blueberries and blushes,
its berries are sacred,
the dormouse itself is similar,
which is also her creation.
126,112 th most common
Otomalpo Windir Hlubokovědá,
so many diseases,
those who do not maintain health,
she always knew that
no annoying spirit,
he will not hide from her.
126,113 th most common
Ssapomlot Harbar Plodoznalá,
which Bäbolona had sucked,
and gave him great knowledge,
she plunged her roots into herself.
today it is no longer sovereign.
126,114 th most common
Wulwo Älwipo Mladokvětná,
sleepy flower wrapper,
which buds bear, juicy,
in their sudden rush,
then she herself saturates her beauty.
126,115 th most common
Lua Maldilan Zvěřiprahná,
who is holy with her love,
with Horünen Klompinë spawned,
the beautiful Mrs. Meadow Game,
Lua herself then transformed,
she walks alone with the sheep of the flock,
sometimes also to the whole herd,
random shepherd blesses.
126,116 th most common
Wantül Ran Lovupaní,
which knocked down the first ancient animal,
she also said the prayer first,
always honors life, even its end,
some fall for the other,
for saturation from time immemorial.
126,117 th most common
Teymulri Punki Nebeszeleň,
which eventually took place in Tildoron,
settled in the green clearing,
but before that his shoots,
always higher and higher, to heaven,
she chased, a mysterious urge.
126,118 th most common
Drenälim Nur Zeměplazá,
whose good snake is creeping,
all shapes, colors, scaly,
and who told Wanda'waninda,
Lady of Destiny,
with the great Osqaldin,
she also crawls like a snake,
seventeen colored tails,
seventeen languages reaching,
hiding in the shadows,
from the powerful rays of Slöynan.
126,119 th most common
Limpïri Anda'tentin Plodumíza,
blessing with green blood,
beech, bull, male fertile,
puts their magic in the seed,
now, unfortunately, he has been asleep for a long time.
126,120 th most common
Olimpi Nulwar Listomyslá,
always a wise word to all the forest,
still firmly opposed to juices,
with a relentless smile,
thus defending the leaf, branch and root.
126,121 th most common
Urgo Wun'rituy Painful,
which gave birth to three mighty herbs,
suitable for treatment and healing,
as would Täyirndë itself
could envy such power
and these are her children,
Süma, Pöna, and white Ninda.
126,122 th most common
Zay'lodüm Win Lůnověda,
which has a woman's heart in the base,
and he rules with great power,
germ, seed and juice,
who called on Dalmöli,
the son of Hidrandë, glorified,
The Lord of strong will, the invincible;
others are praying to her today,
he has a good blessing for his mothers.
126,123 th most common
Senti Hanwïl Starokořenka,
which created Bäbolon's roots,
and she gave him drink from her womb,
in ancient times of the Tree,
but still in the roots,
also leaves a lot of power
but very rarely.
126,124 th most common
Agarmom Ssën Šplhnebesá,
the one that bound the currents and steam,
she then provided them with wings,
to be wonderful as stairs,
up to the heavenly heights,
those who seek knowledge,
however, they are invisible,
and feasible only for the blessed.
126,125 th most common
Lamdak Dünwaham Barevslavná,
which with an ancient brush,
full of archdeacon colors,
first Old grasses,
later also meadow flowers,
patiently, colorfully adorned.
126,126 th most common
Adesim Rantüm Far-Sighted,
which, like a slender stalk, rises up,
with one eye exposed,
in the wind it swayes over the forests,
calm but strange in nature.
126,127 th most common
Biyen Dorgrïs Šelmospárná,
fangs and claws and pecked blades,
as it did to the first animals,
also the gift of magical claws,
forever so blessed she gave.
126,128 th most common
Ssomor Smürkin Okolesná,
which look through the wood,
and nothing shall escape her eye,
he also searches through the leaves,
a breed of guards is born.
126,129 th most common
Poywar Yakl Mud,
which melts from moisture,
but it gives strength to the seeds,
gently cares for them,
he will never let him die.
126,130 th most common
Huntrusk Pän Změtislava,
weaves roots with branches,
he delights in that thicket,
about a thousand miles of grills,
her creation was created.
126,131 th most common
Liyedi Loye'tiya Kmenomíra,
which of the fallen gray trunks,
slender columns are also produced by tesá,
neither is the same
into each other a roll of runes,
as well as initiation inserts.
126,132 th most common
Kinan Eldan'lusk Sebevzdala,
which gave the horned beetles Naulu,
and she spread them herself in the woods;
on all continents,
to live their stories in the grate.
126,133 th most common
Atat Kimniss'gäl Rozrazilka,
which Ïlnuyaynon, the Lady of Spring, said,
full of juice of undeveloped leaves,
the same as she gave to her daughter,
now he is looking with luck at the miracle of spring,
always done with sprouts through the snow,
or winter sleepers from their chambers,
help and fine lines,
fan the power of spring deeds.
126,134 th most common
Hardos Köykol Smotkobědná,
which resides under its roots,
even the dreams of evil Fäliyë send out,
unsuitable Huna, unholy,
caused a lot of misery by this
to the happy family of Stromstvo.
126,135 th most common
Tiyolad Tiyadïr Deštismírná,
who wandered sadly,
before Fäliyë came to Naul,
then already full of enthusiasm,
she wet them with rain, and with singing,
he loves his trees above all.
126,136 th most common
Kasmu Dirwan Dejmírupijná,
who loves peace above all,
they are afraid of war and blood,
until he looks to peace,
she sacrifices everything for him.
126,137 th most common
Olwo Pintiküs Green-blue,
who loves forest pools,
beautiful colors decorate them,
but he doesn't care anymore, he doesn't protect,
therefore her gifts must be guarded.
126,138 th most common
Wurpi Nümalurk Šestismyslá,
he has neither sight nor hearing,
but her inner eyes stare;
also into the interior of others,
but not ideas
but their purity towards the world.
126,139 th most common
Umlo Hartagun Fresh,
as a girl she always seems
it only travels through a dance step,
however, it seems different to everyone
it changes its true form.
126,140 th most common
Wükla Dünmal Sveřepspárná,
which leaps like a flying beast,
on the rocks and among the trees,
gives leopards a long jump,
above all he loves you from the snow.
126,141 th most common
Tërmi Mindo'wïn Koncehledná.
quiet beds in forests and plains,
always prepares for wild creatures,
she smoothes and adorns it herself
happy rest, as well as sleep,
sometimes also after death.
Huna tenth
126,142 th most common
Z Oyolowinë Al'Püyikë,
from Eliyan,
the unceasing movement and the will of the world was with them,
up to seven,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
126,143 th most common
Imoro'äwi Rey Marmot,
which pushes everyone,
often more than necessary,
he avoids fate, deftly,
overwhelmed by her breath
then he spreads frantic deeds
then she, in the youth of the world,
She opened the gates to Kumtak,
she knocked out the gate for him herself,
from the world of cold, Outer,
126,144 th most common
Mitahali Ssalmuday Language Questionnaire,
who gave her tongue to the gods,
she fulfilled them word for word,
and her deed was great,
until then as a wilted leaf,
exhausted by that work, exhausted.
126,145 th most common
Keley Ssüra The Fateful,
old in appearance, but not human,
wise, mind calm,
likes to sit in the breeze on a rock,
he ponders, and he gives advice,
who follows the right ritual.
Osqaldina Fulon tesat taught,
breaks them in one go,
and which she entrusted to the Lord of power,
the so-called Oykalostë,
Father Hidrandë the Great,
Justice Ruler.
126,146 th most common
Yesidom Dafal Windbreak,
which raises the wind with its fist,
then he commands the second tornado,
but she has been silent for a long time,
she then left control of the winds.
126,147 th most common
Barwacet Kïl Nesmíniměla,
which is like a great cloud,
but crawls over the forests,
it hovers over the meadows,
like a shadow, it also casts it,
slow, unrecognizable from the fog.
126,148 th most common
Ssizi'baner Lïr Zpěvovědná,
she listened eagerly,
before Travnin heard the song,
then she spread it like the wind,
she taught her others, boldly,
before Kakostrofös remarked to her.
126,149 th most common
Ssiwoga'tiyë Rot Slepozmarná,
which powerful colors into pumpkins,
collected at midnight and at noon,
simple and non-numerical ingredients,
stirs quickly and intricately,
even food for brushes form.
126,150 th most common
Tel'wïrwa Kul Domahřejná,
which changes the color of the flame,
when love dwells in the house,
so strange is her power,
everyone will feel it but will not see
they then attribute to other beings,
when a home suddenly becomes cozy,
but always only love the way.
Hunting Eleven
126,151 th most common
Z Fäyikrunë Al'Erasatuyinë,
from Üminden,
the color and essence of the world was with them,
up to four,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
126,152 th most common
Ragoryla Hym Podstatmilná,
which is invisible to maniacs,
but they walk around them,
perhaps this is the effect of fainting,
when in her waves her mind
as if fingers are invisible,
the very essence of color knead.
126,153 th most common
Ssimuwäs Pun Vnitrozření,
which begot Ulwamïna, the Lady of Painting,
then with his own eye,
easy to see in all heads,
also to souls, of which it counts,
but his daughter's soul is removed,
sometimes it is also lured,
mind by reading disputes to judge
what else belongs to Hidrandë.
126,154 th most common
Tempri'wün Gam Substitutable,
her breath is fragrant, the soul changes,
what once was no longer has to be,
she stands like a solid temple,
on a desert island, among thousands,
Blessed are those who hurry to her,
unique changes then undergo.
126,155 th most common
Tilmi'pul Poli Barevpaní,
magnificent as the wind over the mountains,
their colors are gushing from the fingers,
as a fresh spring renewal,
when the old matte shades,
the shine of youth and glory returns.
Hunting Twelve
126,156 th most common
Z Wäsayndë Al'Mäynë,
from Rünor,
fate and the journey were with them,
up to twelve,
famous all in one,
verbally, admirably,
126,157 th most common
Tüskar'mnë Childbirth Vladovládná,
which thirteen powerful gestures,
as dragon's words of power,
the supreme government by
she held it all around,
but her heart was not evil
but thank the fate.
126,158 th most common
Imurna Limpor Smolomlata,
which also waves of light,
as a mighty weapon she held,
even without hesitation she killed everything
what is unholy and cursed,
and they roll at her feet.
126,159 th most common
Ssëh'fimli Pol Štěstěnomíra,
with magic scales,
carefully measures happiness,
she likes to donate them, unfairly,
hard to like her
some regions of Naulu,
but he will never visit.
126,160 th most common
Ssosa'lïn Bur Prvokroká,
which by his holy breath,
what the womb breeds life,
he gives movement and things,
Menstrüni also moved
she gave them life with a kiss.
126,161 th most common
Ömgali Bel Fortune Telling,
who never bestowed happiness,
her touch was unlucky,
strong and ruthless
the unfortunate goddess.
126,162 th most common
Liye'qesti Rindol Znalosudná,
who slept alone for a long time,
in ancient times,
then with Osqaldin only,
Fulon examined the plates,
maybe even sometimes the idea
she advanced as a light breeze.
126,163 th most common
Nisauri'än Ten Krokozmamná,
like a honey cake,
butter greased, delicious,
often temptes, even iniquities,
girls entered seduce,
even those who are consecrated,
words of her height Tildo.
126,164 th most common
Loa'ted Stemlan Sheriff,
distributes strength at night
however, he also does not elect anyone
she is blind and good,
it also gives evil the same measure.
126,165 th most common
Morwor Tagür Vidohledná,
covered with colored threads,
connected the other corners of the world,
that the light may be eternal, though faint,
like light rays on the paths,
flowed between unknown regions.
126,166 th most common
Matarlön Guld Časokroká,
who as the only woman
with Tëy the old man lies down,
he's huddled in his cloak,
that ancient weirdo
perhaps even for a short, adorable time,
he can suspend.
126,167 th most common
Snelïn Metan Osudobijná,
which bent fate easily,
as a twig, as a tenant,
but she never broke to death,
and sometimes also protected from evil,
when you pray at the tabernacles,
he pleaded with her.
126,168 th most common
Mïnhula War Sacrificial,
which Alenwan Leturnatirë
She bore a martyr lord,
she always put herself everywhere,
and their things, their lands and their souls,
donated diligently to the victims,
nothing was sacrificed,
she almost gave herself away,
the archbishop's giver.
126,169 th most common
Qatungon Lar Lépějmírá.
which delivers delightful kisses,
everyone a blessing
each also valuable money,
which maniac blessed
somewhere in his house
located in dusty corners.
126.170 And these are those of Hun,
the glory of the undying belongs to them,
let's drink again next time,
a song here with honor,
joyfully as their destinies,
for they also bless us,
for they love us too.