Pedigree of dragons
In the book of Myths of Naul, in chapter 68 (Uti'melëra'alan), 71 a 72 (Tewo'melëra'alan, sons and daughters), there is the family tree of the oldest, the most powerful and the most magnificent dragons, the descendants of Holkron, briefly described. The image below is a graphic representation of this family tree (these pictures are in Czech language, however the PDF file to download - bellow is the link, is in English).
- the black color of the line indicates the first generation of Holkron, the red line is the second generation, the yellow is the third and the green is the fourth generation
- the solid outline presents the dragon lords and the dashed outline are the dragon ladies.
It is also possible to download and view this family tree as a PDF, the dokument is in English.