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The book Myths of Naul is a basic work, which are other makings of Naul derived from.​​

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Below you will find a list of chapters. '*' the asterisk means, the translation was corrected, so it is more readable then the "auto-translation". You can also click on the name of a chapter in the menu above.

You can download the first third of the book as PDF file. Remember please, it is an original piece of art, and thus protected by law.

eBook Myths of Naul (EN)

Annotation of this book

The gods and monsters of the mythical world have lived together in clash and peace since the creation of the world. And about these beginnings we learn from the book of myths - how the world, its mountains, forests, the sea, hundreds of different divine, magical beings and many other inhabitants of the World Naul were created. The author takes us through history, the deeds of important heroes, times of peace and war, at a time when people had not yet been born, but the world was filled with ancient powers. The book is a basic work for an introduction to the stories and also the study of this strange world, in many ways similar to ours. Numbered paragraphs and characteristic symbolism in the form of many illustrations underline the unusual character of the work.

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as if a rose was developing from a small, insignificant bud, to a beautiful flower with various reflections of the moon, and thousands of rays of the sun shattering into the colors of the rainbow, where the veins of the petals are like threads of fate and fiery red as a burning time that heals all with his steps, so for a long time Ivarinden kneaded the shape of the new world with their sight, mind, and magic fingers.

Chapters 01 to 10

001 Foreword *
What the reader should know before reading a book; also advice on how to read complex names in a book correctly.
002 Tüyilndë and the false truth *
A treatise on The Beings, on his holy names, and on misinterpretations of creation.
003 Mïrondë and the beginning of things *
The creation of everything, the five parts of the universe and the failure to create the world.
004 Ivarinden *
Twelve Creators, their names and their missions.
005 Yastawäyintë *
The origin of the world, the creation of heaven, seas, mountains and lakes.
006 Ziyë, Ewëni and Hulnoy *
The oldest creatures on earth, the emergence of grasses and other creatures.
007 Breaking of Ancient Beauty and Ayamastë *
About the beauty of the old world, the coming of the great evil god and the healing of the world.
008 Fö a Ewälan'ninustiyo'aldiyannë *
About the origin of the solar being and its gift, about the creation of stars.
009 Nabisar and Fayahün *
Creating the abyss of the world, the tides.
010 Lepostiriyon *
Families of Ancient elementars, according to the elements of the world.

Chapters 11 to 20

011 Süklon Uwanë *
The legend of Lepostiriyon King Uwa, his adversary Kolpo and the beautiful Mïna.
012 Elda'lepostiriyo'niya and Huna *
About the strangeness of the Ancient elementars and the noblest of their family.
013 Oyöli and Arkasüli *
Briefly about the Sprites, their origin, and especially the story of the first of the Undying.
014 Owolarinë, Alwalon and Koghayon *
About Powers that intertwine with the world and their way of thinking.
015 Wëmindi'aharmünë *
A brief look at the battle fought by Darkness and Light.
016 Molowaynë *
About the Five of Waters, which form rivers and springs, also about the largest river flowing in Yednozem.
017 Mëönya'oramilo *
The realm of the mountains, which magnified the face of the ancient earth, the tribe of the mountains, the king of the mountains and his government.
018 Kakostrofös *
About the ancient, immense struggle between the mountains of old times and the subsequent sleep of the mountains.
019 Yolwanuyn'wanëwan *
The creation of the trees, and the six of their houses.
020 Mëlü and Yalkoë *
About the Wind Horses, how the climate prevails on Naul, also about the clouds that carry water.

Chapters 21 to 30

021 Fälifäyinnë - Fäliyna'döm'rämuyinnë *
About wandering of the Trees to the corners of Naul, and settling the world.
022 Fäli'fäyinnë - Yannäë and Lanoe'wöynë *
About the forests of Naul, about Living Water and the Chamber of Spiritual Treasures.
023 Fälifäyinnë - their names and Fälisamïnkon *
About the special names of trees and some of their customs.
024 Fäli'fäyinnë - Lün'fälifäyo'Al'Aharmünë *
The first war of the trees - the war with Lepostiriyon, which ended in the victory of the trees.
025 Süklon Bïlanë *
A story about a brave hero from the ranks of trees.
026 Mitahali, Domödi, Tümontistë and Tohötan *
About the origin of divine scripture and its features.
027 Tildoyinnë and Müyë'äyinnë *
The creation of the Rulers of Naul, the great gods of all later times and The Pools of creation.
028 Tildo *
The names of the Rulers of the world and the holy birthplace of Tildo.
029 Skoloe, Firdiyë'enelmin *
About the origin of goblins, the cursed offspring of an evil god.
030 Wingo and Toturostë *
About other beings created in the Turning points.

Chapters 31 to 40

031 Hidrandë Wingäriyë, ambassadors and his government *
About the Greatest of the Rulers, about the mightiest of the deities and his form.
032 Hidrandëya'namastë *
About Hidrandë's actions at the beginning of his rule over the world.
033 Hidrandëya'lowäyona *
Calendar and counting time.
034 Wömoninnë and Molhon *
About the gifts given to Hidrandë and his most feared servant who cannot be defeated.
035 Nestömir and Nestömirka'linti'mandiyë *
The humiliation caused by Nestömir to Hidrandë and its rectification.
036 Alwamayna *
About the Ruler of the Stone and the miraculous things around her
037 Loynalë and Oyla'wëykaya'aldiyannë *
The Ruler of mourning and the Judge of the dead, her magical grove and the emergence of paths in heaven
038 Yeö, Kastafë, Dimilnoy and finally Fal Yeö'tanawäliyë *
About the souls of living creatures, the journey of the souls of the dead through the realms of the world, and finally about the great sea of ​​souls
039 Ilmunayna and Olämon *
The Ruler of waters and her beautiful underwater seat

Chapters 41 to 50

040 Likintiyannon a Sävi'niyatima'tisayinnë *
About the Great Floe on which the whole world stands and Sävih, whom Niyatimi loved
041 Lümindon *
About the Ruler of love, beauty and wealth, also about temples and lovely services to the goddess of love
042 Palisa'anta'grüta'kümantäniyë *
About the great lover of Lümindon, also about their unfortunate offspring; about a fight with a terrible monster
043 Niyenult, Niyenulta'aniyanë and Mamünon *
About the Ruler of Art and Fire, about her great work and also about the rules she gave to the households of all orderly creatures
044 Nalmo and Sinda'wurga'antalinastë *
About the divine blacksmith and his work
045 Örondë *
About the Ruler of Storms and Warriors, his weapons and his great expeditions
046 Örondëyili'fühayina'lindë *
The story of Örondë's love for Fënimalin and Fühnam, and how tempest arose
047 Osqaldin *
About the Ruler of Destiny and how he hands out happiness or woe around the world
048 Täyirndë and Nüma'aldiyannë *
The ruler of forests and growth, and her Eightmighy Prayer
049 Awalon *
About the sacred place of peace and quiet and its order
050 Mnëndin *
About the Ruler of the Wind and his dominion, and of his great holy servant

Chapters 51 to 60

051 Horünen *
The Ruler of steppes and of flowers, his kingdom and his mighty servants
052 Falüfa'anmindë *
The story about pride and fall of the most beautiful of flowers; creation of mushrooms
053 Sïrdi *
About the Ruler of Evil, his magical outfit and his beginnings
054 Sïrdi's arrival *
The arrival of last of the Rulers on Naul, and the miseries associated with it
055 Uta'sürindë and Emonti'kumta'alindon *
About other powerful beings created in different times; also the story of Kumtak
056 Nämali'tildo'awaolihün *
Abandoned homes and buildings of wonder from Tildo and some of Vasë
057 Luta'tildoron'wäyintë *
About the origin of the holy home of the Rulers, high in the heavens
058 Lëy *
About the origin of the moon and its decay

059 Fag'hrondin and Alwamaynan'däwastë *
About the depths of Naul and the places hidden there

060 Pehum and Wota'zertu'nomunë *
A story about an insidious betrayal and rebellion in the realm of the gods in heaven

Chapters 61 to 70

061 Wen'amenin'alin'darin'düyinen *
A story about the suffering of love between Hämar, Anäli and Teruspikonti and about great revenge

062 Sëlinnë and Elhö *
About the kingdom of animals, their houses and their lives

063 Fi'soruyni'talisë *
About the corruption of animals and the seven of their curses

064 Bawiyako'alanawiya'mindayë *
About the origin of three unholy animals, flies, spiders and hyenas

065 Dulgan and Radon, Sëli'alawan'amistandiyë *
About animal leades, wise and inappropriate, about the great work of animals and their confusion

066 Golak and Amelërilan'wanë'wanni *
About the ancestor of dragons and its destruction

067 About Holkron *
About the father of dragons, and his beginnings, before he fathered his first offspring

068 Uti'melëra'alan *
Pedigree of the First Dragons, the first of Holkron's descendants

069 Fäliyë'anta'melëranta - Entonalë and Fälinkon *
About the second war of trees, this time with dragons and about the sleep of trees

070 Fäliyë'anta'melëranta - Qandiriki'animelëru'fäliyen *
About the third, last battle of the trees, and the subsequent dragon victory

Chapters 71 to 80

071 Tewo'melëra'alan - the sons of Holkron *

Pedigree of the Second Dragons, sons of the Father of Dragons

072 Tewo'melëra'alan - the daughters of Holkron *
Pedigree of the Second Dragons, daughter of Holkron

073 Kozotan the Horrible *
About a powerful dragon who terrified and still terrifies the world

074 Yonma'womaë'la'melëran *

The enlightenment of the dragon generation, and the birth of wise dragons

075 The greatest of the works of ancient Melëra *
About the magical works that the dragons left behind

076 Lükasëli and Mindo'landa'welen'dontë *
About the origin of the Beastchangers and their mothers of birth

077 Crafts of Lükasëli and their teachers *
About how the Beastchangers learned crafts from the deities

078 Falasöl and Lükasëliya'olmiri *
Of the hero Falasöl and his great treasure

079 Melërka'rütosë a Lükasëliya'olkonirdë *
About the oppression of the dragon breed against the Beastchangers and their tenacious resistance

080 Melëre'sëlistanon Fïhantam'istindaynë *
About the great battle between the Beastchangers and the Dragons

Chapters 81 to 90

081 Melëra Tildoronuwo *
About the mighty dragon and his revenge on Tildoron

082 Sisto'melëra'alan - the descendants of Holkron *

Line of Third Dragons, sons nad daughters of the Father of Dragons

083 Al'Emani'wanëwan *
About the creation of humans

084 Fä'tumä Nöno'emani and their nations *

The houses of the People, their place of origin and their Forefathers

085 Emaniya'leri *
About people's languages, even their first script

​086 Yolomë and Lü'polmi'fimiyondon *
The story of origin of wine and beer

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