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Myths and gods, monsters and heroes.

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Last update: Jan 19, 2025


Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...some of Naul’s creatures can sleep in a magical, deep sleep that's more like a long-term enchantment that can't just be broken and woken up from? It is called "essential sleep".

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...The Sun on Naul was created so that Darkness and Light do not constantly quarrel and fight over each other? The sun then determined where the light was to be, but it had to circle all over Naul to get it righteously everywhere.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

The symbol and embodiment of lies and their spreading on Naul is the cuckoo? This is told in chapter sixty-three, in the book Myths of Naul.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...there is a primordial mold from ancient times on Naul that is very poisonous, dangerous and often indestructible? In English we would pronounce it as "zaa-tah-sh".

Wisdom of Naul

"The one who risks the most in the game is also rewarded with a win."

Myths of Naul 115.41

So: He wishes the brave good luck.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the oldest forest of Naul is Al'Fäli'maran and is located in the middle of the Yednozem? Its heart was formed soon after the mountains fell asleep and before the first trees arose. Are you able to find it on the map?

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...even on Naul there are creatures called "goblins" – named Skoloe that take many forms and these goblins hatch from eggs?

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the most powerful of the wizards of Naul was (and perhaps still is) the sprite Arkasüli? His power, knowledge, and art have reached incomprehensible levels, and the world itself is reluctant to hold Arkasüli in its captivity.

Wisdom of Naul

"A Feofee can never go backwards in his perception of the world."

Myths of Naul 107.45

So: What happened can't be undone, you can't turn back time.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the shadow we all and everything cast is a reminder of the ancient battle between Primordial darkness and Primordial Light? In ancient times, before order was established between these two essences.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the first, ancient stars were created as milestones on the way from west to east, so that the boat with the sleeping Sun would find the right way in time?

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...some time after the creation of Naul, was the world so beautiful that anyone today would be enchanted by that beauty and would not be able to live a normal life? But it cannot happen any more - unless one kind of wonderful work is found, which the Myths of Naul also mention.

Interesting fact - did you know that ... we not ask why is there a male and a female, of every creature, a man and a woman? Already at the beginning of the world, a primordial couple was created, and this principle itself is inscribed in the essence of the universe.

Wisdom of Naul

"Not all griefs can be healed by time, not all stains can be washed away by water."

Mýty Naulu 54.25

So: Some wounds never fully heal.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the Sun on Naul flies under the western edge of the world every day, where rests in a boat, tired already, and the boat will take him back to the east?

Mountain meadow

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...lightnings on Naul have different origins? However, they are definitely not "electricity", as it does not exist on Naul. The great bolts of lightning striking the ground are the blows of a mighty magical whip that the storm god carries with him.

Wisdom of Naul

"But there was nothing left but to fight evil with labor and diligence, with indomitable perseverance."


So: you will never beat great evil by imitating it.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...thorn bushes learnt their prickly protection by watching the hero Bïlan? He wore powerful thorn armor and some of the trees and bushes tried to imitate him.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the trees were only created in the Yednozem, but were spread to practically every corner of the world, on five large, floating islands.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...all the elements of Naul are in a certain relation to each other? Some are against each other and some are friendly. The "Circle of the Naulu Elements" clearly shows this (in section "For enthusiasts").

Element vzduchu
Úvod do světa Naul
Introduction to the World Naul
Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the trees of Naul came into the world after the great Kakostrofös war? It is one of few nations, or Feofees of the world, whose members have never fought against each other in wars.

Interesting fact - did you know that ...

...the Sun on Naul flies under the western edge of the world every day, where rests in a boat, tired already, and the boat will take him back to the east?

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